Nobilis® RTV 8544
Nobilis® RTV 8544 is a live freeze-dried vaccine for the active immunisation of fowls against Swollen Head Syndrome caused by Turkey Rhinotracheitis Virus infection.
For Animal Use Only
Each vial per dose of Nobilis® RTV 8544 contains at least 3,0 log 10 TCID50 of live attenuated TRT virus strain BUT 1 # 8544 grown on chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cultures. The vaccine pellet contains stabilisers and traces of antibiotics.
Vials containing 1000 doses, 2500 doses, 5000 doses, packed in cardboard boxes of 10 vials per box.
Registration Holder :
PT Intervet Indonesia
KEMENTAN RI No. I. 13022457 VKS.1