Inactivated vaccine against infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease, and egg drop syndrome ’76.
Product Description

This vaccine is recommended for booster vaccination of layers and breeders for protection against Massachusetts serotypes and D207/D274 (and related) infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease, and for protection against egg drop syndrome (EDS ’76).

Each dose contains IBV M41 inducing at least 4.0 log2 VN units, IBV 249G inducing at least 4.0 log2 VN units, EDSV inducing at least 6.5 log2 HI units, NDV inducing at least 4.0 log2 HI units per 1/50 dose or containing at least 50 PD50 units.

Dosing and Administration:
One dose; Each dose of 0.5 ml is given by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

Bottle 500 ml (1000 doses).

Store between 2 °C and 8 °C. Do not freeze.

Registration holder:
PT Intervet Indonesia
KEMENTAN RI No. I. 17012716 VKC.1
For animal use only.